

下载九月. 11.2023 ULF演示

Bridge@UofI serves as the university's employee management system (LMS). It runs on Bridge LMS software, enabling employees to easily sign up for courses, 密切关注他们的合规培训,并负责他们的员工发展. 此外,主管现在可以监控团队成员在学习过程中的进展情况. 

As we move towards fully adopting Bridge@UofI, we will keep this webpage up to date with more user guides, 常见问题解答和有用资源. 


  • 学习者: Complete assigned learning and view transcript.
  • 经理: 视图 employee learning progress and run standard reports.



是的! EDL将提供资源和指南,帮助您适应新系统中的角色. 请继续关注细节,并提前感谢您的耐心,因为我们为您准备了一切!

Bridge@UofI will replace GoSignMeUp. 此外,我们将不再使用Canvas来部署大学要求的员工培训.

我们知道,改变可能是具有挑战性的,我们感谢您的耐心和理解. Our goal is to create a better learning experience for all employees, and we believe this updated system is necessary to achieve that.



  • 互联网 探索r compatibility mode is not supported in Bridge.
  • For Bridge to work properly while using protected mode in 互联网 探索r, cookies need to be enabled and Bridge needs to be added as a trusted site.

查看 网桥浏览器指南 to learn more about supported browsers, including Bridge on mobile devices.


Bridge针对桌面显示进行了优化,并对移动设备提供了有限的支持. Bridge在移动设备的原生浏览器和最小屏幕尺寸为1024px的设备上表现最佳.

Not all features may be supported on mobile devices for all user roles. 但是,Bridge对移动设备上的本机移动浏览器提供了有限的支持. For additional details, 请 reference the limited-support mobile browser guidelines.



访问 the Apple store 或者是 Play store to download mobile browsers. The following major browsers are compatible with mobile devices:


  • Safari (iOS原生浏览器)


  • 浏览器
  • 互联网
  • 火狐

注意: 安卓 default browsers vary per mobile device.

你可能 提交罚单 for questions about system or training access. Please note this is not a 24-hour help desk. A team member will get back to you within 48 hours.

If you are a new employee who cannot yet access Bridge@Uof I, 目前,Banner系统需要几天到一周的时间才能将所有新员工数据推送到Bridge@UofI. 如果你收到你的大学网络ID已经一周了,你仍然不能登录Bridge@UofI, 请 提交罚单.


  1. Confirm you are accessing the correct Bridge@UofI instance:
  2. 使用支持的设备. Bridge针对桌面显示进行了优化,并对移动设备提供了有限的支持. Learn more about supported devices 在这里.
  3. 使用支持的浏览器:
    • Bridge支持以下浏览器的当前和以前的第一个主要版本:

    • Learn more about supported browsers and mobile devices 在这里.
  4. 清除网页浏览器缓存 & 饼干(来自' all time ')
  5. 如果问题继续存在, 禁用广告阻拦者, 跨站点脚本拦截器, and similar browser tools/add-ons.
  6. 如果问题继续存在, open a Private 浏览器 Session. Here are instructions for doing so on each major browser:
  7. 如果问题继续存在, 提交罚单 


不要在ie11中运行桥接. 立即开始, 我们建议所有员工停止使用互联网 探索r 11运行Bridge@UofI. Neither Microsoft nor Bridge will offer further support for IE 11.



旅程是由程序和其他学习项目组成的学习路径. University training content creators are still learning about Journeys, so no Journeys have yet been assigned to you.

在Bridge@UofI讲话中, 报名参加现场培训意味着您已被添加到学习者列表中, but you have not yet registered in a specific, 过时的会话. 已注册课程或项目意味着您已准备好开始或继续该学习项目(课程和项目没有注册状态).

Accessing My 学习 Transcripts and 学习 资源

在我的学习仪表板上,查看右上方的EXPORT TRANSCRIPT. Click that button and expand/sort the .csv to reflect the results you want to show.

在EXPORT TRANSCRIPT按钮下方,将默认的网格视图切换到列表视图. 在你的完成部分,你会看到回形针图标,你可以点击来访问你的类附件.

查看类附件, 查看我的学习仪表板下面的EXPORT TRANSCRIPT按钮,并将网格视图切换到列表视图. 向下滚动到您的完成部分,并单击每个培训标题右侧的每个回形针图标以访问您的附件.

我的学习在你的学习仪表板上增加了一个EXPORT TRANSCRIPT功能. Look in the upper right for EXPORT TRANSCRIPT. Click that button and expand/sort the .csv to reflect the results you want to show.


Log in to your BridgeUofI account. From your My 学习 Dashboard, click and enter the 学习 Library.

You will see learning items represented as training cards, 或瓦片, in a variety of category headings as you scroll up and down. 这是一个例子. 在一个类别中,您可以滚动可用的卡和/或单击“查看全部”:

在“排序方式”下拉列表中, 选择“标题A - Z”为类别中最合理的训练顺序. 如果你正在寻找最近添加的培训,试着按“添加日期”排序.”

Training cards, 或瓦片, display the learning item titles. 你可能 enroll for 现场培训s, Courses and Programs by hovering on the training card, 点击注册(课程), Programs) or VIEW SESSIONS (现场培训s), 按照提示. For 现场培训s, you will then REGISTER for a specific session.


无论你选择什么,你都会收到一封注册/入学确认电子邮件. If your session is 现场培训, the email will include an .ics日历附件-请从此电子邮件设置Outlook日历提醒! (See further instructions below).

Log in to your Bridge@UofI account. Click and enter the Training Calendar.

根据您可以自由参加培训的日期或特定课程的日期进行搜索. Click on the oval with your desired class session. This pops up information about the session. You can register 在这里 for this session.


单击它并打开它,以便对该约会进行所需的Outlook日历调整,然后单击保存 & 关闭. 该课程现在应该出现在你的Outlook日历上,并会提醒你上课的日期/时间/地点.

在“我的学习仪表板”上找到要取消注册的课程. Click RESCHEDULE and/or UNREGISTER.

No. 您可以注册一个现场培训课程,这不是满员或加入一个候补名单,为一个会议满员.

是的. If you are on a waitlist for a 现场培训, 请 watch your email up until the time that the session begins. VERY IMPORTANT: if you can no longer attend, 请从候补名单或主要会议取消注册,以使候补名单上的下一个人有机会. 只需点击我的学习仪表板上培训标题旁边的重新安排或取消注册.


主管可以使用分析报告功能检查他们的学习者的进度. 分析指南可在本网页的用户指南链接容器下获得. 




